Once you cry Dry all your tears
Once you stand up
Face your fears
Life isn't fair or easy
Lf it was, wouldn't be funny
So stand up once again
Live your life and fuck the others
The time to cry over
Life continuous and you must enjoy it
Loving, living, drinking, fucking, smoking, and not caring
Get your best gun, and go to fight
Mais uma letra de música maravilhosa pra vocês, essa letra em especial me emociona muito, por que pra mim mostra o quanto a música (o rock pra ser mais específica) pode fazer milagres nas nossas vidas, essa música se chama God Gave Rock 'n' Roll to You do Kiss e espero que apreciem e se emocionem com ela *.*
God Gave Rock 'n' Roll To You
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone
Do you know what you want? You don't know for sure
You don't feel right, you can't find a cure
And you're getting less than what you're looking for
You don't have money or a fancy car
And you're tired of wishing on a falling star
You gotta put your faith in a loud guitar
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to everyone (oh yeah)
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone
"Now listen":
If you wanna be a singer or play guitar
Man, you gotta sweat or you won't get far
Cause it's never too late to work nine-to-five
You can take a stand or you can compromise
You can work real hard or just fantasize
But you don't start living till you realize
"I gotta tell ya!"
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to everyone
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Put it in your soul
God gave rock and roll to you
(To everyone he gave the song to be sung)
Gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to everyone
God gave rock and roll to you
(To everyone he gave the song to be sung)
Gave rock and roll to you
Saved rock and roll for everyone
Saved rock and roll
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to everyone
God gave rock and roll to you
Gave rock and roll to you
Put it in your soul
"I know life sometimes can get tough!
And I know life sometimescan be a drag!
But people, we have been given a gift,
We have been given a road
And that road's name is... Rock and Roll!"
Deus Deu Rock 'n' Roll Para Você
Deus deu rock and roll para você,
deu rock and roll para você
Pôs na alma de todo mundo
Você sabe o que você quer? você não sabe certamente
Você não se sente bem, você não encontra a cura
E você tem menos do que você está esperando
Você não tem dinheiro ou um carro bacana
E você está cansado de desejar a uma estrela cadente
Você deve por sua fé em numa guitarra em alto volume
Deus deu rock and roll para você,
deu rock and roll para você
Deu rock and roll pra todos (oh yeah)
Deus deu rock and roll para você,
deu rock and roll para você
Pôs na alma de todo mundo
"Agora escute"
Se você quer ser um cantor, ou tocar guitarra
Cara, você tem que suar ou você não irá longe
Porque nunca é tarde para trabalhar das nove as cinco [tempo integral]
My queen is in the shadows
And she awaits for me
But I'm still looking for her
And I feel her but I can't see
Day and night I've been looked
For everywhere But I can't find you
Only in my heart
'Cause you're always there
Why all this pain
And why lose her again
Why all this suffering
So that means
That I'm loving?
Oh how I wish you were here
Oh why I just can't find you?
I just want you by my side
And never leave me
I would give you roses of passion
And stars of love
I would bathe your beauty with the moon
And I would have no reaction
Every time I look at you
Why all this pain
And why lose her again
Why all this suffering
So that means
That I'm loving?
How could I lose you
Now that I miss you
I will never smile again
Until I have you with me
And then I'll kiss you